I’m Gay

IN THE QUIET My child and I had a good relationship. We often talked about all sorts of things. He had such a tender heart and often shared that with me throughout the years. Yet I became quiet. Tears and quiet. That quiet hurt him. It was taken as if I was ignoring his...

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In The Quiet

(Shared with permission. At this point in the story, I am not using my child’s preferred name or preferred pronoun. Although I do use both now. That is also being done with permission.) Will You Still Love Me? It was mid-April, 2016 when my child “came out”. I will forever remember those words, “Will...

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Will You Still Love Me?

(My child has given me permission to share his story within my blog.) The year prior to the day that changed my life going forward…. 2015. My mischievous light curly-haired toddler with a smile that could melt your heart had grown up to be a handsome, dark-haired, smart, funny, tender-hearted, loving, and talented young...

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